The Head of Government is the government official who is the political leader of a nation. Some heads of government double as head of state. Notable heads of government in the modern era include the posts of President of the United Federation of Planets (Nanietta Bacco), Chancellor of the High Council of the Klingon Empire (Martok, son of Urthog), Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire (Tal'Aura), Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance (Rom), Autarch of the Tzenkethi Coalition, and Castellan of the Cardassian Union (Elim Garak). Within the Federation's political subdivisions, heads of government include the posts of Prime Minister of United Earth, President of the United States of America (subdivision of United Earth), Chancellor of the Andorian Empire, President of the Trill Union, and First Minister of the Republic of Bajor.