Hebrew was a Human language most commonly used by the people of Israel, and in the rites of the Jewish faith.
Captain David Rabin painted the Hebrew words Shalom ("peace") and L'chaim ("to life") on the exterior walls of the Starfleet mission to planet Obsidian, following the local custom of using tribal marks in this way. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)
A Germanic language written using the Hebrew aleph-bet and containing many Hebrew words and concepts, Yiddish was commonly spoken by Jews of European ancestry, and numerous Yiddish words entered into the English language. Sergei and Helena Rozhenko were fluent in Yiddish. (TNG - Starfleet Academy novel: Worf's First Adventure)
Captain David Gold often peppered his speech with Yiddish terms. (SCE eBook: The Belly of the Beast, et. al.)
- Real life Star Trek actors known to speak Yiddish are Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Saul Rubinek (Kivas Fajo), William Shatner (James T. Kirk) and Leonard Nimoy (Spock).
External links[]
- Hebrew article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Hebrew article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.