Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See Henderson for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Henderson was a 20th century Human man, a resident of Hayden, South Carolina.


In 1922, Henderson moved to Hayden and started working at the local bank, Palmetto Mutual Bank and Trust.

By 1932, he'd been living there for ten years, but was still considered an outsider by some of the locals, such as Becky Jensen.

In a timeline Leonard McCoy altered when time traveling through the Guardian of Forever and saving the life of Edith Keeler, McCoy arrived in Hayden and was living with Lynn and Phil Dickinson. Phil pointed out to Lynn that he'd had to lie to Jensen about McCoy, to avoid the sort of reaction she had for Henderson. (TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows)


Appearances and references[]

