Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Henderson.

Henderson Field was a 20th century Japanese airfield located at Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean on Earth. The airfield was captured by American forces during World War II.


The Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands resulted in the sinking of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet and damage taken to the USS Enterprise. In the aftermath of the battle, Enterprise CO Osborne Hardison sent ten of his aircraft to attack the front lines of Japanese forces and then land at Henderson Field, in order to clear space on the carrier to rescue Hornet's surviving fighter planes. (ST - Enterprise Logs short story: "World of Strangers")

In 1969, the facility was refurbished as Honiara International Airport. It remains in service in the 2020s decade.



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