Heritage Models (1977-1983) was a short-lived fantasy and science fiction game company based in Texas.
In 1978, Heritage Models published the first licensed Star Trek role-playing game, Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier, which included a rule book and an associated line of figurines. These notably incorporated TOS and TAS elements.
Many of their products were geared to fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons. However, they did produce some science fiction products, such as a role-playing game based on John Carter of Mars, figurines for Galacta 25, and the board games Star Commandos and Strange New Worlds. They also released a Champions superhero figurine line.
External links[]
- Heritage Models article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Heritage Models article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Heritage Models article at the Lost Minis Wiki.
- Heritage Models products list at Noble Knight Games.