Hohweyn was a trinary star system located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.
History and specifics[]
Its unstable tertiary star was surrounded by gravimetric distortions. That star was orbited by 47 planets, many captured rogue planetoids. A number of debris clouds and asteroid belts, some rich in nickel, had formed in the system from the breakup of unstable comets and planets. Sensor interference permeated the region.
In the 2270s, the Venhkatsen Research Group established an outpost on seventh planet Hohweyn VII to study the system's astronomical anomalies. When contact was lost in 2273, the Federation starship USS Enterprise entered the system, holding position at coordinates 896-448-009 mark 24 outside a debris cloud. A gravitic mine disabled their SW7-class shuttlecraft Halley, leaving it adrift in the system for 18 hours. Its crew collided a detached engine nacelle with one of the system's asteroids to make a flare distress signal, then used its subspace radio to create a disturbance similar to a small black hole to act as a homing beacon. (TOS novel: The Kobayashi Maru)