Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Horus (Regulus).

Regulus I was a planet, the first and innermost world of the Regulus star system. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

The planet was called Horus by the Human colonists who descended from Egypt on Earth. (TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory")

Also known as Hearthside, Regulus I was a class N world. Humanoid Regulans maintained aerial cities above the denser sections of the atmosphere. The capital city was Laputa. (TOS novel: The Captain's Oath)

History and specifics[]


Agni refugee cylinder ship.

In the 23rd century, Hearthside and Regulus II were represented by one councillor on the Regulus Council. T'Leri was the councillor in the 2260s decade. At the time, the chemicals and floating microbes farmed by Hearthside's aerial cities were an important part of Regulan economy.

In 2263, Agni refugees squatted on the surface of Hearthside. They had no concept of territorial boundaries and considered the "hot realm" separate from the "cold realms" inhabited by the "cold beings". A lasting peace was established with the assistance of Starfleet after the science and communication officers of the USS Enterprise and USS Sacagawea developed a method of translation. (TOS novel: The Captain's Oath)

Known settlements[]

  • Laputa (capital)
  • Nubicuculia
  • Agni surface settlements

Known inhabitants[]


Appearances and references[]





planets of the Regulus system
I. Horus • II. Arodi ~ Osiris • III. Khepri • IV. Khonsu • V. Ptah • VI. Rhamses • VII. Nefertari • VIII. M-113Regulus IXRegulus XRegulus XIRegulus XIIRegulus XIII
planets visited by ships named Sacajawea
Federation, Starfleet USS Sacagawea (Hermes-class) Shinohara's WorldUFC 620 VAcamar IIIAdelphous IVNacmorKaleaAtticus IVChenarIxion IIKashdan IXArdanaHearthside
Sacajawea (USS Voyager shuttle) Tak Tak homeworldFGC-505183 II
USS Sacajawea (Niagara-class) Bajor