The Howard-Crusher family is a human family originating from Earth. It consists of two lineages- the Howard line, which has been closely tied to the anaphasic lifeform Ronin for centuries, and the Crusher line, of which relatively little is known. In the late 24th century, the Howard-Crusher family merged with the Picard family.
Howard-Crusher Family Genealogy: List[]
- Felisa Howard, mother of Paul Howard, keeper of the Howard family candle and host for Ronin, who had been living with Howard women for centuries.
- Paul Howard, son of Felisa, father of Beverly Howard.
- Isabel Howard, wife of Paul, mother of Beverly Howard.
- Beverly Cheryl Howard, a Starfleet officer who served as chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E, with brief stints serving as head of Starfleet Medical, before getting command of the USS Pasteur. Widow of Jack Crusher, wife of Jean-Luc Picard.
- Jack Crusher, Starfleet officer who died in the line of duty. Father of Wesley Crusher.
- Wesley Crusher, son of Beverly and Jack Crusher. Dropped out of Starfleet Academy to see the universe with The Traveler.
- Jean-Luc Picard, a Starfleet captain who served as the commanding officer of both the Enterprise-D and the Enterprise-E. Second husband of Beverly Howard and father of Rene.
- Rene Jacques Robert Francois Picard, the son of Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher.
- Natasha Miana Riker-Troi, wife of Rene, daughter of William T. Riker and Deanna Troi.
- Three unnamed children of Rene and Natasha.
Mirror universe Family Members[]
- Beverly Crusher (mirror), mirror version of Beverly Howard.
- Jack Crusher (mirror), also known as Black Jack Crusher, was a notorious pirate.
- Wesley Crusher (mirror), mirror version of Wesley Crusher.
Howard-Crusher Family Genealogy: Family Tree[]
Felisa Howard | Paul's father | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paul Howard | Isabel Howard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jean-Luc Picard (Picard family) | Beverly Cheryl Howard | Jack Crusher | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natasha Miana Riker-Troi (Riker-Troi family) | Rene Jacques Robert Francois Picard | Wesley Robert Crusher | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Three children | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||