The Hydra Epsilon III flytrap is a type of unnamed carnivorous plant lifeform indigenous to the planet Hydra Epsilon III. It behaved similar to a Venus flytrap, but was much larger.
The flytrap grew in murky swamp water. Roots extended below two pairs of four-foot-long hinged leaves nestled with billiard-ball-sized red berries. The berries were laced with a hypnotic scent that stimulated the hunger center of an animal brain, yielding highly desirable sensations of food and euphoria. When prey sat on the bottom leaf and started eating the berries, they lost awareness of the present. The top leaf hinged shut, then the plant coated its prey with a black mucous-like digestive acid.
It primarily attracted and ate birds.
In 2267, Hydra Epsilon III was first explored by a landing party from the starship USS Enterprise. They split into three teams: Yeoman Vonda Figgs and security guard Rojas, James T. Kirk and Janice Rand, and Spock and Klinsky.
Klinsky and Spock were first to encounter one of the carnivorous plants. Klinsky reacted to the lure and was ensnared. Spock was able to clear his head of the hypnotic agent, but too slowly to save Klinsky.
Figgs and Rojas were entranced by a second plant. For Figgs the scent reminded her of sweet corn from Missouri, while Rojas was enticed by pork chops and immediately started eating the berries. By the time Spock, Kirk and Rand found them, Rojas had died. Kirk phasered the hinge off Figgs's plant and Spock extricated her from the mouth-like leaves. Acid had dissolved most of her hair and uniform, but had only begun digesting her skin. She recovered in sickbay. (TOS - Strange New Worlds V short story: "Yeoman Figgs")
- See also: Flowering vine plant, K-G giant cannibal plant, Venus flytrap, Venus mantrap