The IKS Roney was a D7 class starship in service of the Klingon Empire's Defense Force in the mid-23rd century. In 2260 the ship was commanded by Captain Kraviq.
In 2260 the Federation made the Fortran homeworld Fortra a protectorate. In response the Empire sent the IKS Roney to Qolis (a former Fortran colony the Klingons has previously conquered) to remind the Federation who had control of that planet. However at Qolis the Roney soon found itself under attack by a group of twelve Fortran vessels, armed with Federation phasers and tractor beams. The Fortran ships disabled the Roney and then destroyed the Klingon governor’s satellite.

The crew of the Roney, prisoners of the Fortrans
The crew of the Roney were taken into custody on the planet. When captain Kraviq was taken for questioning he broke free, and attacked the Fortrans. When General Tork arrived with his fleet two days later to re-secure the planet he found Kraviq dead, along with four thousand of the capital city's inhabitants. Following the incident the Federation claimed no knowledge of the Fortran's plans and withdrew from Fortra. (TOS comic: "Four Thousand Throats...")
- Commanding officer: Captain Kraviq (until 2260)
- Gunner: Kang (2260)