The IKS Vo'taq was a Klingon starship, a D7 K't'inga-class heavy cruiser in Klingon Defense Force service in the 23rd century. The Vo'taq's commanding officer was Captain K'lavut. (TOS novel: In the Name of Honor, ST video game: Trexels mission: Skirmish)
Around stardate 73XX.6 (circa 2270), the Vo'taq was rated a tier 2 heavy cruiser in Battle Group 2. It featured room for three officers and slots for four weapons or additional systems. Its deflector shields were rated 185, while the structural integrity field, or hull strength, topped at 340. (ST video game: Trexels mission: Skirmish)
As part of Federation Starfleet operations in the Trexelian Expanse, the IKS Vo'taq participated in the war games conducted by Starfleet and allied vessels from the 23rd and 24th centuries. (ST video game: Trexels mission: Skirmish)
The Vo'taq also saw action in conflicts with the Klingon Empire and Cardassian Union. (ST video game: Trexels mission: Events)
In 2279, under command of Captain K'lavut, the Vo'taq launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Gagarin, in orbit of Nuvidula IV. After the Gagarin's captain, Gralev, initiated her ship's self-destruct sequence, the Vo'taq employed their cargo transporters to seize twenty-eight of the Gagarin's crew of fifty, and returned them to Klingon space. (TOS novel: In the Name of Honor)