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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The IKV Bandit was a 23rd century Klingon Empire starship, a QuD-class bird-of-prey in Klingon Defense Force service in the 2280s. Specifically, the Bandit was outfitted as the F5-class frigate variation of that design. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command)

No history or fate is established for this vessel as its name was randomly selected for a frigate vessel by the game software.


QuD-class frigate/destroyer starships
Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force F5-class frigates ArdentArduousAudaciousAxe DemonAxe SlayerAxe WarriorAxe WielderBanditBarracudaBeastBlackguardBlackstarBraveCourageousDasherDevil's AnvilEvisceratorFearlessFiendFuryHarasserHero of ZurskGloriousKhediveKievakKorMayhemNovaStalkerStealthStormerTenacityTerroristUndauntedVandalVengefulViciousVigilanceViolationVolcanoVoracious Klingon Empire logo image.
F5-class frigates modified as F5B/F5K-subclass frigates Battle ChariotBattle CryBattle DemonBattle DogBattle DragonBattle FireBattle SongBattle StormBattle SwordBattle WindBlood ChariotBlood DemonBlood FireBlood LustBlood SlayerBlood StormBlood SwordDeath AngelDeath ChantDeath ChariotDeath CryDeath DemonDeath SongDeath StormDeath SwordDeath WarriorDeath WielderDeath WindDoom ChantDoom ChariotDoom CryDoom SongDoom SwordDoom WarriorDoom WindDragon ClawDragon ChariotDragon CryDragon FireDragon ScaleDragon SongDragon SwordDragon ToothFire AirFire AngelFire ChariotFire CryFire DemonFire DogFire DragonFire HoundFire LustFire SlayerFire SongFire StarterFire StormFire SwordFire WarriorFire WielderFire WindStorm CryStorm ChariotStorm DemonStorm DogStorm DragonStorm SlayerStorm SongStorm WarriorStorm WielderStorm WindWar AngelWar ChantWar ChariotWar CryWar DemonWar DogWar DragonWar HoundWar LustWar SlayerWar SongWar StormWar SwordWar WielderWar Wind
F5G/F5GB-subclass commando frigates Sergeant KorlSergeant KobolSenior SergeantSergeant Victorious
F5C/F5L-subclass frigate leaders AlacrityAudacityAxe LeaderAxe LordBarbarianBattle LeaderBattle LordBattle KingBlood LeaderBlood LordDeath LordDemonfireDoom LeaderDoom LordDragon LeaderDragon KingDragon LordFerocityFire KingFire LeaderFire LordFirestarGloryMarauderStorm KingStorm LeaderStorm LordUrgencyVenomWar KingWar LeaderWar Lord
F5Y-subclass cloaking frigates Hidden DeathHidden StrikeQuiet DeathQuiet StrikeSilent DeathSilent StrikeStealth
F6-subclass battle frigates BakurianSefarianValorianWalkurian
F5W-subclass war destroyers Axe DestroyerAxe KillerAxe SoldierBattle DestroyerBattle KillerBattle SoldierBlood DestroyerBlood SoldierDeath DestroyerDoom DestroyerDoom SoldierDragon DestroyerDragon KillerDragon SoldierFire DestroyerFire SoldierStorm DestroyerStorm KillerWar SoldierWar Destroyer
FWK-subclass war destroyers Axe KillerAxe SoldierBattle DestroyerBattle KillerBattle SoldierBlood DestroyerBlood KillerBlood SoldierDeath DestroyerDeath KillerDeath SoldierDoom DestroyerDoom KillerDoom SoldierDragon DestroyerDragon KillerDragon SoldierFire DestroyerFire KillerFire SoldierStorm DestroyerStorm KillerThe DestroyerWar SoldierWar DestroyerWar Killer
FWL-subclass war destroyer leaders Axe DestroyerAxe KillerAxe SoldierBattle DestroyerBattle KillerBattle SoldierBlood DestroyerBlood KillerBlood SoldierDeath DestroyerDeath KillerDeath SoldierDoom DestroyerDoom KillerDoom SoldierDragon DestroyerDragon KillerDragon SoldierFire DestroyerFire KillerFire SoldierStorm DestroyerStorm KillerWar SoldierWar DestroyerWar Killer
FWC-subclass war destroyer leaders Axe ChampionAxe ChieftainBattle ChampionBattle ChieftainBlood ChampionBlood ChieftainDeath ChampionDeath ChieftainDoom ChampionDoom ChieftainDragon ChampionDragon ChieftainFire ChampionFire ChieftainStorm ChampionStorm ChieftainWar ChampionWar Chieftain
Klingon Alliance (mirror universe) ChundabJev