Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The IRW Elieth was a Romulan Mogai-class heavy warbird starship in service to the Tal Shiar in the early 25th century. (STO - Romulan Mystery missions: "By Any Means", "Desperate Measures")


In 2409, the Tal Shiar coerced the civilian scientists at Gasko Station to research Borg technology. The Elieth was one of four Mogai-class warbirds outfitted with the technology. The Elieth and its sister ships, IRW Bloodfire, IRW Taseiv and IRW Tyrava were destroyed by a Starfleet starship, and the critical Borg research was purged from Gasko Station's computer by the lead scientist. (STO - Romulan Mystery mission: "Desperate Measures")

Alternate events[]

Elieth was one four Mogai-class starships docked at Dimorus Station in the Dimorus system in 2409. When the station came under attack from a Starfleet vessel hunting down the Star Empire's Borg research, the crew attempted to quickly reactivate the ship while the prototype of a Borg-adapted Mogai, the IRW Esemar, engaged the Starfleet ship. All Mogai-class warbirds in the system were subsequently destroyed by the victorious Starfleet ship. (STO - Romulan Mystery mission: "By Any Means")



Mogai-class warbird starships
Romulan Star Empire, Navy/Tal Shiar Aj'rmrAreinnyeBloodfireDekkonaDominusEletrixEliethEsemarFraireIntrakhuKerasKovalKytonisMakarOthrysRohallhikSoterusTaseivTerrinexTyravaValdore

Valdore-subclass: AethraStormcrow

{{{2}}} icon image.
Romulan Republic, Navy MogaiSimisunnamedMorrigu-subclass: MorriguValdore-subclass: ValdoreZdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Reman Resistance Valdore-subclass: RFV Zdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force ArmorJotunheimGreathornKnightFairmightFermontLevellerOrion PrideVaultleapVertigo Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Romulan Star Empire
(mirror universe)
ValdoreHiren's fleet {{{2}}} icon image. Galactic Commonwealth, Starfleet Excalibur {{{2}}} icon image.

External link[]
