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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Koval.

The IRW Koval was a 25th century Romulan Star Empire starship, a Mogai-class heavy warbird in Tal Shiar service in the 2400s decade. Commander Moralok served as the ship's commanding officer. (STO - From the Ashes mission: "The Helix")

Service history and disposition[]

In the year 2409, the Koval and the T'varo-class light warbird IRW Sharrdar tracked Romulan refugees down. The Sharrdar found Satra and her associates living among the Suliban of Suliban Helix in the Suliban Helix system. Commander Talek demanded that Suliban leader Kaiyan surrender them. The Sharrdar engaged in battle with D'vex's warbird, a Romulan Republic vessel, and was destroyed.

Moralok brought her ship into the star system to confront the Romulan Republic Navy vessel. The Koval was also outmatched by the Republic vessel. Following its destruction, Satra signed on with the warbird and the other refugees allowed themselves to be taken from the helix to the Romulan Flotilla. (STO - From the Ashes mission: "The Helix")




Mogai-class warbird starships
Romulan Star Empire, Navy/Tal Shiar Aj'rmrAreinnyeBloodfireDekkonaDominusEletrixEliethEsemarFraireIntrakhuKerasKovalKytonisMakarOthrysRohallhikSoterusTaseivTerrinexTyravaValdore

Valdore-subclass: AethraStormcrow

{{{2}}} icon image.
Romulan Republic, Navy MogaiSimisunnamedMorrigu-subclass: MorriguValdore-subclass: ValdoreZdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Reman Resistance Valdore-subclass: RFV Zdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force ArmorJotunheimGreathornKnightFairmightFermontLevellerOrion PrideVaultleapVertigo Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Romulan Star Empire
(mirror universe)
ValdoreHiren's fleet {{{2}}} icon image. Galactic Commonwealth, Starfleet Excalibur {{{2}}} icon image.

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
