The IRW Rom'drex was a Romulan D'Deridex-class warbird in service in the late 24th century.
The Rom'drex was launched in 2373 and was equipped with all the latest technology. In 2375, the Rom'drex was part of the Federation Alliance task force that battled the Dominion fleet in the Rashanar Sector. The Rom'drex, like all other vessels at the battle, was destroyed, and was left floating as wreckage in the "boneyard".
When Starfleet and the Ontailians began to reclaim the bodies and wreckage from the Rashanar Battle Site in 2377, Captain Jill Leeden of the USS Juno decided to leave the Rom'drex to the Romulans to clear. By 2378, the Romulans had not arrived, and the Rom'drex was targeted by Androssi scavengers who wanted access to the technology. However, their attempt to tow the wreck out of the "boneyard" was prevented by the Juno and the Ontailians. (ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Be Born)