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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Unity.

The IRW Unity was a 24th century Romulan Republic starship, a tier 6-rated legendary D'deridex-class miracle worker warbird battlecruiser in Romulan Republic Navy service in the 2410s decade. (STO website: House United: Legendary D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser)

Service history[]

Romulan Star Empire[]

The IRW Unity was commissioned by Proconsul Neral of the Romulan Star Empire in the year 2369. The Imperial Romulan Fleet constructed the Unity as a special D'deridex-class warbird, with lavish recreational and diplomatic facilities. The Empire tasked the Unity with hosting delegations from colonies that were important to the stagnant Imperial economy. The Unity could establish influence with a "softer touch" but its defensive capabilities had been augmented to engage in "gunboat diplomacy".

In the 2360s and 2370s decades, the Unity conducted several tours of showing the flag throughout the Star Empire.


Garidian Warbird 2

A Garidian warbird.

Following the confusion surrounding Praetor Shinzon's coup d'état, Garidian rebels seized the IRW Unity during a visit to their homeworld, Garid[3], in the year 2379. The Garidians repainted the hull in a stark gray and red, using the ship as a symbol of defiance against Imperial authority.

The Garidians continued to operate the IRW Unity until the end of the 24th century.

Romulan Republic[]

In the 25th century, the Unity joined the fleet of the Romulan Republic. The vessel retained both its Imperial prefix IRW, instead of switching to the Romulan Republic Navy's RRW, and its distinctive paint scheme.

In the year 2411, the Unity was upgraded to legendary starship standards and became the lead D'deridex-class miracle worker warbird battlecruiser, which added miracle worker ship facilities to the existing warbird battlecruiser outfit. (STO website: House United: Legendary D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser)

Flag officers of the Khitomer Alliance could deploy the Unity alongside other spacecraft for assignments across the galaxy's quadrants as part of Operation: Delta Rising's four-quadrant strategy. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Admiralty System")

From 2411 onwards, the Unity represented its class on the shipyards interfaces operated by New Romulus Shipyards, Klingon Defense Force Order of Builders and Starfleet Shipyards Operations at Alliance facilities across the Milky Way Galaxy. (STO - Refractions missions: "Explore the Flotilla", "First City", "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")



D'deridex-class battlecruiser warbirds
Romulan Star Empire

(The 62nd Rule) • AdjacianAdversariusAj'rmrAlbiusAntiusAraramAtrox • (Avatar of Tomed) • AuleiusAuspexBattle RocBattlecrowBelakBrak'enCacivusCaelumCalafChairoClaniaClenosCrolviusD'ArvukD'daraD'dereqD'deridexD'desedexD'entinDeranas ~ TrennisD'ereqDeciusDevorasDividicesD'merakD'seretD'soriaD'taretD'teresD'tervikD'TrellD'varianD'vairinD'vinnFideles MilesFire EagleFire KiteFire MartinFire OwlFire PetrelFirecrowFirehawkFortiterFurensGanelaxGanniusG'AnohokGarelonGoraxusHaakonaHadargerosHaraxHiyll'aehImpavidusInclutusIrixIshaeJavlekJoranJ'paxKa'jaKazarKhazaraKhnialKormoranLacriusLhorakisLivexLubatoLudelviusMacroMakarMaricusMarucciusMenteniusMenvutusMereidexMetuendusMuniaNarrocianN'ventnarOctiusOnusOpaliusPacestiusPaesoPecassiaPelleciaPesaniusPetraskPlaurulliusPolaProvocatioQuerulboReaRom'drexRovaranRucoriusSaktiSaneraspisSapotiusScrilliusSeduniusSeganicoSerrolaSetroSha'arikSiaSistiusSoliusSolusSoryakS'tema • (Steel Bird) • Storm PetrelStorm RocStorm WingStragesStratoSulvianSutianSuttiusTabodusTarlonT'deretT'dir • (Tears of Algeron) • TekelTelbostiusTerixThunder OwlThunderbirdT'metTovarekTridoniusTriumphoTrocusTrolarakTruntisT'salvanT'serenTuttialiusVadeniusV'ashanVattiliusVelliusVeloshVencusVicilius • (Vigilance) • VilusVindexVisidixVisisVopputusVotantiusV'relaVrelnecVrenekZokoras

unnamed D'deridex class starships: Sela's warbirdXenius's warbird

Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Romulan Republic Temanna Emblem of the Romulan Republic.
Reman IntrakhuSitheshXatos Emblem of the Remans.
Parenthesis indicates human translation or non-Romulan language renaming.

Appearances and references[]


