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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Crossfield.

In the mirror universe, the ISS Crossfield (NCC-1029) was a Terran Empire starship, the Crossfield-class science vessel prototype in Imperial Starfleet service in the 2250s decade. (STO - Mirror of Discovery short story: "From the Desk of Starfleet Intelligence")

Service history[]


In 2256.

The Crossfield was developed as science vessel in the 23rd century, but ended up re-designed to employ weaponised mycelial technology. Development and construction fell under the aegis of Commander Jason Reyes at the Bureau of Imperial Special Weapons Field Research of the Emperor's Special Projects Division aboard ISS Charon, and the Honorable Commodore Peter McGillis at the Bureau of Appropriations and Allocations of the Starship Development Review Board at San Francisco Fleet Yards, respectively. On stardate 1191.9, Commander Reyes dispatched a memorandum to McGillis to inform him how the mycelial spore-based technology required radical changes to the Crossfield's spaceframe, and that Reyes had secured support by astromycologist Paul Stamets. (STO - Mirror of Discovery short story: "From the Desk of Starfleet Intelligence")

The class was in service by 2256. (DSC episode: "Despite Yourself")

In 2410, Starfleet Intelligence Lieutenant Commander Kyla VanZyl of USS Voyager learned of the development history of its Terran Empire counterpart to the Federation's own prototype, the USS Crossfield. (STO - Mirror of Discovery short story: "From the Desk of Starfleet Intelligence")

Federation Starfleet acquired the Crossfield, or a replica. In 2411, the ISS Crossfield was in service and had been upgraded to legendary temporal operative science vessel rating. (STO website: Legacy: Legendary Temporal Operative Science Vessel)



Ships named Crossfield
Federation, Starfleet USS Crossfield (NCC-1029, Crossfield-class)see also: Crossfield-classCrossfield-class (32nd century refit) {{{2}}} icon image.
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Crossfield (NCC-1029, Crossfield-class)see also: Crossfield-class {{{2}}} icon image.
Crossfield-class starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration AndromedaCrossfieldGlennDiscoveryStamets (imaginary) Federation icon image. Seal of Federation Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Glenn-subclass: Glenn32nd century refit: Discovery-A
Terran Empire Starfleet
(mirror universe)
standard configuration CrossfieldDiscovery Terran Empire emblem. icon image.