Infestation was an IDW Publishing crossover comic series, that included two Star Trek: The Original Series comics starting in January 2011. The entire series consists of ten comics: a two-issue framing story featuring IDW's own Zombie vs. Robots and Covert Vampire Operations series, and then four two-issue stories detailing zombie infestations of other realities from IDW held licenses; Star Trek, Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Ghostbusters.
The Star Trek issues of the series were released biweekly in February 2011, on alternate weeks to the Transformers issues of the series. The Star Trek issues were written by Scott and David Tipton, with art by Casey Maloney. While the framing story was written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, with art by David Messina.
- The first-ever event in IDW Publishing’s history crosses over into the Star Trek universe with this two-part, bi-weekly series! A routine visit to a colony world takes a horrifying turn when Admiral Kirk, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy find themselves surrounded by hordes of the undead! Spinning out of the pages of last month’s INFESTATION, this series takes the crew of the USS Enterprise into a dark and deadly new direction!
The first "Infestation" covered two volumes.
- Volume 1
- Zombies vs. Robots/CVO (Covert Vampiric Operations):
- Infestation #1
- Transformers:
- Infestation #1
- Infestation #2
- G.I. Joe:
- Infestation #1
- Infestation #2
- Zombies vs. Robots/CVO (Covert Vampiric Operations):
- Volume 2
- Star Trek:
- Ghost Busters:
- Infestation #1
- Infestation #2
- Zombies vs. Robots/CVO (Covert Vampiric Operations):
- Infestation #2
The second series of issues was under "Infestation 2" and released utilizing Transformers, Dungeons and Dragons, Team-Up, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, G.I. Joe, and 30 Days of Night.
- The "Original series" of crossovers as a collection was followed by an "Epilogue series" in April 2011 and also a "Second series" in early 2012.
- The Infestation Omnibus, which collected both the first "Infestation" series and "Infestation 2" series was released August 12, 2014.
External links[]
- Infestation article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Infestation (comics) article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.