In an alternate timeline where Edith Keeler did not die in an automobile mishap, the Interstellar Axis was an interstellar organization of states founded by the Nazi leadership of the planet Earth's Erdenreich in collaboration with Qo'noS, Axanar and Romulus. (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)
History and specifics[]
In the 21st century, a Nazi interstellar empire blossomed when sleeper ships of the Raumwaffe overran Alpha Centauri, assimilated their technology to develop warp drive, and began conquering neighboring systems Tau Ceti and Capella. In 2084, Andorians resisted advancing forces, and although Andoria was captured, significant numbers of exiled refugees were able to form a resistance movement on Cimera III with Vulcan aid that grew to become the Alliance of Free Planets.
In the 22nd century, Nazi starships outmaneuvered an Alliance blockade to make first contact with Axanarri, Klingons and Romulans, and by 2220 the four had allied as the Interstellar Axis.
In the 24th century, the Axis continued to fight the Alliance while engaging in war against the Cardassian Union and Bajor. (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)