In an alternate timeline, the Interstellar Coalition was a political union formed between the governments of Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, Denobula, Coridan III and others, following the successful strike by Terra Prime against the negotiations for the Coalition of Planets in 2155. This union was formed in part due to the continued efforts of Captain Jonathan Archer, and was formalized at Babel in 2161.
The Interstellar Coalition was a major rival of United Earth for many years, and the two engaged in numerous trade wars and border skirmishes. However, both powers temporarily allied in a war against the Klingon Empire in the 2240s, and joint forces fought at the Battle of Donatu V. In 2264, United Earth petitioned to join the Interstellar Coalition. (Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union)
planet/system | state | species | admitted | notes |
Alpha V | United Earth Commonwealth Colonies colony | Humans | circa 2264 | Admitted alongside UECC. |
Andoria | Andorian Empire | Andorians, Aenar | 2161 | Founding member. |
Babel | diplomatic site | 2161 | Place of founding. | |
Cait | Caitians | before 2264 | Serving in Coalition Space Command. | |
Coridan III | People's Republic of Coridan | Coridanites | before 2264 | Member with trading value. |
Denobula | Denobulans | 2161 | Founding member. | |
Earth | United Earth Commonwealth Colonies | Humans | circa 2264 | Former cold-war enemy. Negotiated entry. |
Epsilon Canaris III | United Earth Commonwealth Colonies colony | Humans (Canarans) | circa 2264 | Admitted alongside UECC. |
Edos | Edoans | before 2264 | Serving in Space Command. | |
Efros Delta | Efrosians | before 2264 | Serving in Space Command. | |
Grazer | Grazerites | before 2264 | Recent member as of 2264. | |
Janus V | before 2264 | Mining colony with trading value. | ||
Ithen | Ithenites | before 2264 | Serving in Babel Orbital Control. | |
Kazar | Kazarites | before 2264 | Ambassador present at Babel Summit | |
Ktaris | Ktarians | before 2264 | Ambassador present at Babel Summit. | |
Luna | United Earth Commonwealth Colonies colony | Humans | circa 2264 | Admitted alongside UECC. |
Mars | Martian Colonies, Commonwealth Colonies | Humans (Martians) | circa 2264 | Admitted alongside UECC. |
P'Jem | Confederacy of Vulcan | Vulcans | 2161 | Former site of a monastery and listening post. |
Rhaandaran | Rhaandarites | before 2264 | Recent member as of 2264. | |
Sauria | Global League | Saurians | before 2240s | Fought in the war against Klingons. |
Tellar | United Planets of Tellar | Tellarites | 2161 | Founding member. |
Weytahn (Paan Mokar) | Andorian Empire colony | Andorians | 2161 | Joined alongside AE. |
Vulcan | Confederacy of Vulcan | Vulcans | 2161 | Founding member. |
Zalda | Zaldans | before 2264 | Present at Babel Summit. |