Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Iocau was a star system, located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.

History and specifics[]

In the 23rd century of the Kelvin timeline, the Iocau vicinity was in an area claimed by the United Federation of Planets, located at coordinates -5055, -18. The system contained parsteel and tritanium deposits. At that point, a notable nearby system was Gemet. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

The system has an ID code of 502974835 in the game software and the player is likely to encounter a Starfleet patrol or Federation trader here.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (I)
IanaraIandorIapedesIarma'taraIboraIb'varaIconiaIcorI'daniaIfrea-3IginIgnastiIgnorIkaalIkasunIl DaraanIlecomIllyriaIlmatarIloxIm DaraanImmelIm'fenImperThe Impossible WoundImrenaImvekImvethImvorImzerenInaaraInariIndishIndorInferaInnaxxIntellasIntratorInvolaIocauIolosIotiaIpvadaIrabaIrdexIrsh'venIrthadiIshendaIsheraIsipIsiraIsisIsis KashIsvellaItariItaraIthorIyaraIzanagiIzellIzidexIztanIzton Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (I) IadaraIbarriIconiaInfernaInkariaIota AndromedaeIota Boötis (ABC) • Iota CepheiIota DraconisIota Ursae MajorisIrtokIzar system Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (I) i CentauriIconiaIkaliaImagaIota CarinaeIota EridaniIota GeminorumIota HydriIota LeonisIota PavonisIota TrianguliIvor Beta Quadrant icon image.

