- For other uses, see Isis.
Isis was a being that traveled and worked with Gary Seven. Most of the time she appeared as a domestic cat with entirely black fur; however, she was actually a shape-shifter, capable of assuming humanoid form.
When Gary Six died, Isis was sent by Aegis to activate Caleb Howell as Gary Seven. After Seven was conditioned, Isis properly introduced herself to Seven, acting as his partner. (TOS - Year Five - Weaker Than Man comic: "Issue 17")
In 1968, Isis traveled with Gary Seven to Earth to determine what had happened to Agent 201 and Agent 347. During transport, they were intercepted by the USS Enterprise, which had traveled back in time to 1968 to determine how Earth survived during that year. Seven was held on the Enterprise briefly while Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock tried to verify Seven's story. Seven was able to escape from the brig, and make his way to the transporter room. Isis attacked the guards, and kept them occupied long enough for the two to make their escape from the ship.
When it was discovered that the other agents had died in an automobile accident, Seven and Isis assumed their mission. They met Roberta Lincoln for the first time, and Seven accidentally revealed his true mission to Lincoln. Isis was initally jealous of the young human woman. Isis and Seven later traveled to Florida to sabotage a nuclear weapons platform that was about to be launched by the United States of America. Because of Seven's modifications, he was able to steer the platform off course when it was launched, and was able to detonate it 104 miles above the surface of the planet, leading Earth's governments to reconsider the wisdom of putting such platforms into orbit. Isis then revealed to Roberta Lincoln that she was much more than a regular cat. (TOS episode: "Assignment: Earth")
Though aware that the agents had in fact completed their mission prior to their demise, Isis kept this fact from Seven as she knew he had to be exposed to Kirk. When Seven furiously confronted her about this, Isis revealed that it was all according to Aegis' design, turning him against Kirk and convincing him that Earth had to be destroyed for the sake of the galaxy. (TOS - Year Five - Weaker Than Man comic: "Issue 17")
Isis traveled with Seven and Lincoln to the 23rd century to help stop the Romulan Dellas from assassinating Spock during the 2293 Khitomer Conference. She assumed human form again to operate the transporter, and was able to rescue both Kirk and Seven. Following this, Seven, Lincoln, and Isis returned to the 20th century. Spock then discovered records indicating that the three would play a vital role in stopping Khan Noonien Singh. (TOS novel: Assignment: Eternity)
When Roberta infiltrated the Chrysalis Project, Isis accompanied her, meeting the Augment children in her feline form. When Gary Seven was captured by Sarina Kaur, Isis led Roberta to him. When Seven decided to destroy Chrysalis, Isis returned to New York City with Roberta to coordinate evacuating the children to various orphanages across the globe. Over the next few years, Seven kept an eye on the increasingly ambitious Khan. (TOS novel: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1) Fearing that Khan would one day recruit his Augmented siblings, Seven inserted a false record into the Beta 5 computer of "Ament" so Isis could infiltrate his ranks should Khan ever come for Seven's files.
As Ament, Isis infiltrated Khan's organization, and provided Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln with invaluable intelligence on Khan's activities, serving as the Augmented tyrant's conscience, attempting to deter him from more destructive action. After Khan's powerbase fell apart, Seven offered him the SS Botany Bay. As the Augments began entering stasis, Joaquin Weiss threw a knife at Roberta Lincoln, Isis throwing herself in the blade's path and dying. Khan offered Seven Joaquin's life in return, but Seven, disgusted by Khan's callous dismissal of other's lives, allowed Joaquin to live. (TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)
Despite her apparent death, Isis later accompanied Seven on his later visits to the Enterprise. (TOS comic: "The Peacekeeper")
- It is unknown whether she was restored to life by the Aegis, survived the 1990s, was replaced, or if this adventure took place at an earlier point in her personal timeline.
In the year 2270, Isis had assumed the guise of a Black Tholian, using this form to provide powerful new weapons technology to the Tholian Assembly. When the crew of the Enterprise had offered asylum to the Tholian child "Bright Eyes", Isis revealed this to the Tholian High Council and pushed on a campaign against Captain Kirk. When the Enterprise later proved able to shake off her Tholian pursuers, Isis irritably met up with Seven on Lloyd Zeta-9, ranting about the Tholians' incompetence to an unconcerned Seven who reminded his friend that this was to be their last mission. The two later boarded the Enterprise, Isis downing Pavel Chekov before she disabled the ship's life support. Ordered by Seven to follow the crew as they evacuated, Isis hid aboard Spock and Chekov's pod.

Isis fighting several redshirts.
On the surface of Circe V, Isis fought several of the Enterprise's security men as both a human and a Tholian. However, she was forced to give up when she surrounded by them and Seven was badly wounded, forcing the two to abandon their mission. (TOS - Year Five comics: "Issue 7", "Issue 8", "Issue 11", "Issue 12")
As part of their continuing mission, Isis unleashed a deadly plague on the Proxima colony. When the Enterprise arrived, Isis beamed herself aboard and began attacking the crew. Though able to hold her own against the security officers, Chekov managed to distract Isis long enough for Hikaru Sulu to bisect her. As Isis began healing, Chekov fired into her open wound, killing her. Content that the Enterprise crew could not interrogate her, Isis accepted her fate, mocking her foes as she died. (TOS - Year Five comics: "Issue 18", "Issue 19")
- In the first draft for "Assignment: Earth", which did not feature any Star Trek characters, Isis was one of the episode's villains, a shape-shifting alien race called the Omegans who could appear as a cat but whose true form was described as dark and Satanic looking. The Star Trek: The Original Series Novel Enemy Unseen mentions a species of intelligent shapeshifting felines as natives of Yagra IV.
Aegis intervention specialists, including agents and supervisors | |
By number | 6 • 42 • 146 • 194 • 201 • 341 • 347 • 368 • 5746 • 6889 |
By name | Elizabeth Anderson • Rodal Eight • Evad • Exana • Cynthia Foster • Isis • Jones • Koob • Natalie Koroma • Roberta Lincoln • Jonathan McAllister • Mestral • Cyral Nine • Nova • Ian Pendleton • Gary Seven • Septos • Shopay • Smith • Tallinn • Ryan Vitali |
External links[]
- Isis article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.