A jacket was an article of clothing that could be worn for style or protection from the weather. A heavy jacket was also be called a coat. Both jackets and coats usually had pockets that are used to hold equipment.
While exploring the cold surface of the only planet in the Jinoteur system, Starfleet Intelligence agents Bridget McLellan and Cervantes Quinn wore heavy jackets. Quinn kept a flashlight in his jacket pocket. (VAN - Declassified novella: The Stars Look Down)
Katalya Tremain wore a jacket with a pocket in front (called a kangaroo pocket) while on the surface of Arachnae. (TOS novel: Vulcan!)
When re-visiting Ceti Alpha V with James Kirk, Doctor Leonard McCoy wore a rumpled brown civilian jacket. (TOS novel: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh)
In 2370 Doctor Julian Bashir and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax had the option to wear Starfleet issued jackets or environmental bracelets when beaming down to the cold surface of Keltara (DS9 comic: "For the Glory of the Empire")
- The cover to the comic showed the team wearing jackets, but in the comic they opted for the bracelets.
External links[]
- Jacket article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Coat (clothing) article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.