- This page details James T. Kirk in the mirror universe of the Kelvin timeline; for James T. Kirk in the primary universe see James T. Kirk; for James T. Kirk in the Kelvin timeline see James T. Kirk (Kelvin timeline); for James T. Kirk in the mirror universe of the primary universe see James T. Kirk (mirror); for James T. Kirk in all other alternate universes see James T. Kirk (alternates).
In the Kelvin timeline mirror universe, James T. Kirk (2233-2258) was a 23rd century Terran officer in the Imperial Starfleet who was First officer of the ISS Enterprise in the 2250s. In 2258, Kirk mutinied against Captain Spock when he took control of the Narada.
Early life (2233-2255)[]
Born on January 4, 2233, James T. Kirk was the son of George and Winona Kirk. He was born in space, aboard a medical shuttlecraft from the ISS Kelvin, just moments before his father's death. He was named after his maternal grandfather (James), and his paternal grandfather (Tiberius).
Starfleet Academy[]
Kirk went to Starfleet Academy and was then assigned to the ISS Enterprise as first officer under Captain Spock.
Service aboard the ISS Enterprise[]
As Captain Spock was fighting on Qo'noS, Kirk was sent to take Praxis. Kirk was successful in doing so. He then took a strike squad with him to Rura Penthe. At Rura Penthe, after executing Nero's crew, Kirk found Nero. He then killed Nero with his bare hands. Kirk along with Dr. McCoy and Commander Scott took control of the Narada.
Kirk then returned to the Enterprise telling Captain Spock of how everything has changed till it's too late. At that moment, he beamed most of his compatriots aboard the Narada, including Lieutenant Uhura. Kirk then told Spock that the empire has tolerated the alliance between Vulcan long enough, that it was time to remake it as a truly human empire. Despite pleas from Uhura, Kirk ordered Spock and the Enterprise to be destroyed. He then set a course to Vulcan. (TOS comic: "Mirrored, Part 1")
Chekov informed Kirk, that the ship's database suggests that the anomaly detected the day Kirk's father died was about to reappear. Kirk decided to intercept whatever came through the anomaly, as Nero was planning to do. Kirk contacted Senator Pike in San Francisco, telling him that Spock was planning a Vulcan revolt against the Terran Empire and that the ISS Enterprise and Spock were destroyed. Kirk declared his intention to take the Narada to Vulcan to remind the Vulcans that the Terrans were their masters. Pike demanded that Kirk return to Earth and not act without orders from the Imperium, but Kirk retorted, "I am the Imperium."
At the anomaly coordinates, the Jellyfish emerged from the wormhole; Sulu captured it in the Narada's tractor beam. Spock Prime emerged from the Jellyfish and was taken prisoner. Under interrogation by Kirk, Sulu and Uhura, Spock Prime realized that this was the mirror universe. He told Kirk and the others that he came from an alternate reality where there is no empire, but that he has encountered the Empire's reality before. Kirk asked if the red matter aboard the Jellyfish was a weapon; Spock Prime told him that it was meant to stop a supernova in his reality. Scotty paged Kirk to tell him that he had figured out how the red matter worked. Kirk left Spock Prime in Uhura's custody.
The Narada arrived at Vulcan and began to drill into the planet's surface. Kirk confronted the Vulcan elders in the katric ark, telling them that Vulcan will be destroyed. Suddenly, the seismic tremors ceased. Kirk attempted to contact Scotty, but was answered by Uhura, who had killed Scotty and taken command of the Narada. Spock Prime appeared in the katric ark and appealed to the "good man" inside Kirk, without success. As Kirk was about to kill Spock Prime, Spock appeared and shot Kirk dead from behind. Spock expressed regret at the necessity of killing. (TOS comic: "Mirrored, Part 2")
Live Evil[]
James T. Kirk was originally the first officer aboard the ISS Enterprise before he assassinated Captain Pike and took command of the ship. Kirk's reign would be a short one for he was in turn attacked by his first officer, Spock, sometime prior to 2263. Though wounded, Kirk managed to flee into hiding at the cost of leaving his ship under Spock's command. (TOS - Live Evil comic: "Part 3")
Making his way to Arronia Two, Kirk hired Harry Mudd to obtain the resources he needed to take back the Enterprise. Once he'd earned the man's trust and gotten what he needed, he promptly shot the traitor dead before making his way to Qo'noS and sought out K'Hav. Soon after however, Singh arrived with a doppelgänger of Kirk. Once it transpired that his double was from an alternate reality and seeking to reclaim his own Enterprise, Kirk agreed to work with them even promising that he would not kill anyone. The instant he materialized on his ship's bridge however, he shot promptly Spock dead and reassumed his throne. The USS Enterprise then warped in with Pavel Chekov now in command. Though Kirk attempted to have the ambitious ensign peacefully surrender the craft, Leonard McCoy killed him, the doctor quickly pledging his allegiance to Kirk. After placing everyone back in their proper places, Kirk attempted to destroy the USS Enterprise only for his ship to come under attack from the SS Botany Bay, forcing him to redirect his attention to destroying it. Once back in his native reality, the Federation Kirk pondered his similarities to his Terran self. (TOS - Live Evil comics: "Part 1", "Part 2", "Part 3")
ISS Enterprise (Kelvin timeline) personnel | ||
Pavel Chekov • James T. Kirk • Leonard McCoy • Montgomery Scott • Spock • Hikaru Sulu • Nyota Uhura | ![]() | |
see also: • ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) personnel |