Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Jinks was the alias used by a 23rd century Klingon scientist who served in the Klingon Defense Force.


In the late 2260s, a Klingon force occupied a Federation outpost on a world near the Federation-Klingon Neutral Zone. Part of that force, Jinks assumed the identity of the outpost's resident Jinks, and led a scientific/military initiative to repurpose the facility to construct a new Klingon weapon, a large, maneuverable asteroid field composed of an unknown element that shields could not block.

In the year 2270, officers from the Federation starship USS Enterprise investigated the source of these asteroids. Jinks answered hails to the outpost, providing transporter coordinates that would have had a landing party beam into solid rock. When that failed to kill the interlopers, he tried other tactics, but Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock remained suspicious. One of the landing party members tracked tricorder readings, discovering the real Jinks and three Klingon guards After knocking the guards out and freeing Jinks, he called Kirk over his communicator, and the imposter Jinks was immediately apprehended. (TOS - Which Way Books novel: Phaser Fight)


