Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Joe Wilder was a male human in Starfleet in the 23rd century. He was born circa 2240, and attended Starfleet Academy. While there, he studied Sun Tzu's book The Art of War, which he would adopt as a guide for much of the rest of his life. He would go on to become a combat officer, and would develop a disdain for "starshippers", or starship-based Starfleet personnel.

As of 2267, Wilder held the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and served as executive officer under Captain Irene Kwan at "Fort Fed", the Starfleet Security detachment on planet Tenkara. In that year, while trying to learn the whereabouts of kidnapped Starfleet doctor Leonard McCoy, Wilder tortured a Tenkaran miner named Apek, violating both Starfleet regulations and direct orders. Wilder attempted to hide his crimes but, when witnesses refused to stay silent, Wilder admitted to his guilt. He was relieved of his duties and taken in the brig of the USS Enterprise to the nearest starbase to stand before a court martial. (TOS - Constellations short story: "Official Record")
