Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Josef Mengele (16 March 19117 February 1979) was a male Human in Nazi Germany, infamous for performing immoral medical experimentation on concentration camp prisoners.

In 2296, Dr. Leonard McCoy was believed by the Romulans under Centurion Ruanek to be a war criminal who earned the name "Bones" for his experiments on prisoners' bone marrow. McCoy's reaction to hearing this was, "The name's McCoy, not Mengele!" (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)

Cardassian doctor Crell Moset was compared to Mengele for his experimentations on Bajorans during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Andor: Paradigm)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion notes the episode "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" had originally been conceived as being about a Mengele-like Cardassian doctor during the Occupation. Such a character was later established in VOY episode "Nothing Human".
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Nazi forces
Nazis in Hitler's Germany Hermann GöringGrünAdolf HitlerKrugerJosef Mengeleunnamed Humans Nazi flag image.
Vosk's Na'kuhl Nazis GhrathKraulVoskunnamed Na'kuhl
Ekosian Nazis DarasEnegJohn GillMelakonunnamed Ekosians
Hirogen Nazis KarrTuranjunnamed Hirogen

Appearances and references[]


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