Julia Bertrand was a 23rd century Metan woman who served as a Federation Ambassador.
When she was young, Bertrand left Meta IV to obtain an education in diplomacy among Federation worlds, part of a long-term assignment to act as a spy for her government.
In the year 2269, Bertrand was sent to the USS Enterprise to act as an advisor to Captain James T. Kirk in his dealing with the Romulans. She also offered to help in offering medical aid to the survivors of an attack on Starbase 14. Following the incident at Starbase 14, Bertrand attended a staff meeting with Kirk and his senior officers. She informed Kirk and his officers that the Federation must avoid conflict with Romulans as well as the Klingons, knowing a defense could only be maintained for 4 months if all-out war erupted. She believed that the Romulans were sending a ship under the control of the Tal Shiar. Bertrand and Kirk then met with Commander Koram to discuss their joint investigation of the Starbase 14 attack. Following the meeting, Bertrand told Kirk not to underestimate the Romulans. (TOS - The Chosen comic: "Blood Enemies")
Kirk dreamed that he and Bertrand investigated another attack, this time on the Romulans, and were arrested by Koram for the unprovoked attack. He awoke frustrated by current circumstances, believing that Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation were being set up to war on each other. Kirk said as much to Koram, suggesting instead that they figure out where the next attack might take place. Bertrand questioned Kirk's decision, recommending that they continue the investigation in case Kirk's hunch was wrong.
Shortly afterward, however, Bertrand was exposed as a double-agent. Koram alerted Kirk to a hidden subspace transmission having been sent from the Enterprise to a non-Federation world mentioning prior and future attacks, and Kirk arrested her. In the brig, Bertrand confessed that in her religion, her people were the Chosen, the only life in the galaxy. All other "life" was an evil falsehood and a challenge to their faith. She admitted being part of her peoples' mission to trick advanced species into destroying each other. After having resided for most of her life away from her homeworld, however, she'd begun to accept other races as real. She tried to commit suicide to avoid responsibility for her actions, but the poison she carried had been rendered non-fatal. (TOS - The Chosen comic: "Collision Course!")
- TOS - The Chosen comic: "Blood Enemies"
- TOS - The Chosen comic: "Collision Course!"