Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Juris was a star system, located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in Federation space at coordinates 0.87N 2.28E.

History and specifics[]

The Juris system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds, including Jurisa and Justinia, Vulcan science colonies in the 23rd century, and Julietta, a Cygnian outpost. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

System makeup[]

Juris system primary star



Template:Juris system

Vulcan stars and star systems
Vulcan home system (40 Eridani, Omicron-2 Eridani, Vulcanis): 40 Eri A40 Eri B40 Eri C Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants icon image. Vulcan icon image.
34 Aurigae48 Ursae MajorisSystem 6-15System 6-2394 LeonisAbyss AlphaAesaBeta AurigaeBeta LeonisBeta NorabBeta TriaranBeta Ursae MajorisBomelli 709DenebolaDraco MinoraDuviniaxEpsilon BallaraFiltraGamma EmerataGamma PerseiHarridane 226JurisLaoorby 192Latis CyrtivaLexorLixisLuxor 867MaklinMakusMenkalinanMerakMinidineMirithNarcisusNorassenNova DimoraPiras ZetaPosaraPrimidaraServitrixSigma Beta 443SilicasaSilivarT'RillValar MajorisVistilWolf 346Zeta Paor
Cygnian stars and star systems
Cygnian home system (Cygnet; Omega-1 Cygni) Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Carinna 17Danara 5986Delta Indi 668Delta VaraGamma Minora 12JurisTahniva 311
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (J)
J4N-47 SingularityJaborJafiraJahJalidor LambdaJamartaJam'pekJam'tethJanellaJanoinJanorJanorianJaqJarad'taraJarconJarkaidJarosJar'takJasmanaJassanJaunyaJavJaviJavikJavilirJazariJenjorJenshahnJericho 1JerisJeroidanJessicaJeuaieiJil'taraJi'mekJinniaJinoteurJizoJ'naiiJo DaraanJogaJola DaraanJoleusJomstarJonarJo'stelJubluJundiraJun'torJuraJurisJuronaJurox the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (J) JanusJezerek the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (J) JouretJuramJuris CanopusJustarus the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.

