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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Jurlek's B'rel

Jurlek's bird of prey in 2409.

Jurlek's bird-of-prey was a 25th century Klingon starship, a tier 1 B'rel-class bird of prey in Klingon Defense Force service in the 2400s decade. Its commanding officer was Captain Jurlek. (STO - Tour of Duty mission: "End of Watch")

Service history and specifications[]

During the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410, Jurlek's ship saw little combat, to the chagrin of its crew. By the year 2409, Jurlek's first officer was Lieutenant Doran, another KDF lieutenant as second officer, and Lieutenant S'gan, third officer. S'gan was sure to keep the record of battle updated to avoid having to clean up after Jurlek's targ's mess. The ship had a multi-species crew reflecting the diversity of the post-2404 Klingon Empire. (STO - Tour of Duty mission: "End of Watch")

Following the deaths of Jurlek and Doran, the second and third officers took their positions. Doran's par'Mach joined the crew to ensure his mate's entry into Sto-vo-kor. Ch'gren, formerly a maintenance engineer, became an engineer aboard Jurlek's former ship. (STO - Empire mission: "Duties of Command")

Crew manifest[]


First officer Doran.


Security chief Kelor.



Appearances and references[]

