Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

K10A1 was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy, referred to as such as a designation given to it by the Borg.

History and specifics[]

This world had been assimilated by the Borg Collective at some point prior to the late 24th century. (ST video game: Starfleet Command III)

In gameplay, this name was part of a list that were applied to planets on the game map, with no history or specifics established for the random attributes assigned to them.



Borg planets and planetoids
A0101ArehazB2020Borg PrimeC0303D4213E5015F6629G7457H8190J9108K10A1L20B2M30C9N40D8P5115Q6262R7777S10T1T9559TyrrazV3434W0006X6001Y4242Z0001 Borg emblem.

