Kanar is a Cardassian alcoholic beverage. (TNG episode: "The Wounded", DS9 episode: "The Wire")
History and specifics[]
When the Dominion annexed the Cardassian Union, the people of Karemma aquired a taste for the drink. In 2380, the going price for a case of kanar was 200 ilecs or one bottle of Leyles ink. (TNG novel: Q & A)
During the Occupation of Bajor the Cardassians forced local Bajorans to distill kanar. Due to being made from locally sourced ingredients the result had a different flavor. Before the 2409 conference on Deep Space 9 regarding the threat posed by the Borg, Cardassian Ambassador Rugan Skyl requested a starship CO to find him a bottle in exchange for his support at the conference. (STO - The 2800 mission: "Second Wave")
Kanar is mentioned to have a floral scent. (DS9 and TNG novel: The Crimson Shadow)
External link[]
- Kanar article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Kanar article at Star Trek Online Wiki.
- Bajoran Distilled Kanar article at Star Trek Online Wiki.