The Karemma Foundation is the government of the Karemma society.
History and specifics[]
The Foundation is centered in the Gamma Quadrant near the Idran star system terminus of the Bajoran wormhole. The Karemma Foundation was allied to the Dominion when they were contacted by Federation and Ferengi Alliance representatives in the 2370s. (ST reference: Star Charts; DS9 episodes: "Rules of Acquisition", "The Search", "Starship Down"; DS9 novelization: The Search)
The Foundation was based on the planet Karemma. Its leader was the Karemman First Minister. In 2410, that post was held by First Minister Bekelba. In that year, the Karemma voted to secede from the Dominion due to a lack of support in dealing with the Hur'q Invasion. (STO - Gamma Quadrant mission: "The Search")