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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Kashyk was a Devore male in the 24th century, who was a Devore Inspector in the Devore Imperium. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint")


In 2375, the Federation starship USS Voyager entered Devore space on its way from the Delta to the Alpha Quadrant. The Imperium granted passage on the condition that Voyager submit to frequent inspections by Devore personnel. The total of four inspections were carried out by pairs of Devore warships. These were commanded by Kashyk. Voyager detected another dozen warships laying in wait in a Mutara class nebula for ships illegally carrying telepaths. The transport ship continually gave them new coordinates, one of which was a Mutara-class nebula. It was later discovered that the transport ship had been intercepted, and at least one dozen ships were waiting inside the nebula for further ships to fall into the trap. Voyager did not go to the nebula. The Brenari escaped in two Voyager shuttlecraft through the wormhole. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint")

In late 2381, the Devore, Karlon, Turei, Vaadwaur and Voth joined the Kinara and began blockading the Gateway to the First World. The Confederacy Interstellar Fleet and the Kinara became embroiled in skirmishes, and the Voth sabotaged the Federation subspace relay network in the Delta Quadrant. At some point before February 2382, the fugitive Neyser criminal Meegan McDonnell took control of Devore, Turei, Vaadwaur, and other leaders by occupying their minds with those of her fellow criminal Neysers. (VOY novels: Protectors, Acts of Contrition)

In late 2381, a Kinara fleet attacked the Federation starships USS Voyager and USS Demeter and their wave form allies near the Ark Planet. The CIF Twelfth Lamont led a fleet of the Confederacy Interstellar Fleet and obliterated the Kinara fleet. General Mattings subsequently invited the Federation ships to visit the First World. In February 2382, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway convinced the Presider of the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant, Isorla Cin, to enter negotations with the Kinara fleet blockading the Gateway. Skeen Rigger Meeml of the starship Lightcarrier responded to her hail, and the Confederacy learned of the Kinara's demands for the first time. The diplomatic exchange was enabled by the Federation starship USS Vesta. (VOY novel: Protectors)

The Neyser-possessed commanding officer of the Devore warship Manticle, Inspector Kashyk, inserted himself into the conversation and made the extradition of Admiral Janeway a non-negotiable term for peace between the Confederacy and the Kinara. When the Confederacy declined to abide to these terms, the standoff degenerated into open battle. The battle came to a halt when Janeway agreed to be extradited. A shuttle carried her and two subordinates to the Manticle, where Kashyk and a multi-species security team took her into custody to stand trial. The Manticle departed afterwards. (VOY novel: Acts of Contrition)


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