Kaz's squadron in the k'tazi formation.
Kaz's squadron was a Klingon squadron, a 23rd century Klingon military unit under the command of Admiral Kaz.
The squadron consisted of Kolor's D10 Riskadh-class flagship and two D18B Lara'atan-class destroyers. Like Kolar's Squadron, an S5 Eakin K'nall-class service ship could be added when conducting independent patrols. Its standard formation was the k'tazi arrowhead, with the flagship in front, the two destroyers at opposing points in a triangle, and with a service ship protected in the center. Kaz's squadron was fortified for operations at the Klingon-Romulan border.
Kaz's Squadron was a component of Klingon Battle Group 1 under the command of Admiral Kutan zantai-Lisson. (StarDrive Issue 1: "Tactics of the Imperial Klingon Navy")
- StarDrive Issue 1: "Tactics of the Imperial Klingon Navy"