Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This page details Khitomer Massacre in the primary universe; for the Khitomer Massacre in the Kelvin timeline created by Nero's temporal incursion see Khitomer Massacre (Kelvin timeline).

The Khitomer Massacre was a Romulan attack on the Klingon colony on Khitomer in 2346. This was achieved when the Klingon traitor, Ja'rod provided defense codes to the Romulans. Almost all of the 4,000 Klingon colonists, were killed. Worf, son of Mogh was one of the few survivors. The USS Intrepid provided support and humanitarian aid, which in turn helped bring about the Treaty of Alliance. (TNG episode: "Sins of the Father", ST - The Lost Era novel: The Art of the Impossible, Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)

Historical significance[]

The massacre, in which 78% of the planets inhabitants were killed, marked the beginning of the Post-Khitomer era and is considered a major historical event. The system was subsequently claimed by the Romulan Star Empire which swiftly established an outpost and a mining station. (ST video game: Infinite)

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External link[]
