Kintro was a 23rd century Tellarite man, a Federation ambassador in the 2260s decade of the Kelvin timeline.
In 2263, Kintro attended a Babel Conference aiming to formalize a peaceful alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire in the face of the Borg threat to the galaxy. However, Kintro so distrusted Romulans, expecting deceit at every turn, that he sabotaged the conference by assassinating Joltair, the Romulan Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets.
To keep from being caught, Kintro employed a poison sourced from a plant that grew on Andor and left traces of it in the quarters of Andorian Starfleet Academy Cadet Shev Akria, who soon was arrested for the murder. Kintro then departed Babel in an Altinian marauder. Suspicious, James T. Kirk pursued the vessel aboard the USS Endeavour. Attempting to evade pursuit, Kintro dropped the ship out of warp in the Lotonian Asteroid Belt. Kirk sent search parties in environmental suits to seek out the marauder. Kintro's crew went outside to protect him, but they were stunned, and Kirk discovered Kinto when he finally boarded the marauder.
Kirk took Kintro into custody and brought him back to Babel. He and Spock turned Kintro over to Ambassador Pilok in shackles. (TOS - Boldly Go comics: "Issue 7", "Issue 8")