The Klingon Imperial Guard was a civilian emergency-services organization. On Qo'noS and other major Klingon worlds, it carried out law enforcement, rescue and fire-fighting duties.
History and specifics[]
Members of the organization were addressed as Guardsmen. (KE novel: A Burning House)
Wild ooruni were hunted as an endurance test by young soldiers hoping to become members of the Imperial Guard. It was served in ooruni kapiki at their Initiation Feast. (TOS reference: Official Cooking Manual)
Sorkav, son of Goryq was a member of the Imperial Guard, but was expelled due to a corruption scandal. (ST - Seven Deadly Sins novella: The Unhappy Ones)
In 2371, the Imperial Guard was infiltrated by men loyal to Chernoth, granddaughter of the criminal known as the Albino. (DS9 comic: "Remembrance")