Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Klingon science outpost officer was a 23rd century Klingon man who was a scientist in the service of the Klingon Empire, stationed at the science outpost on the planet Miraud.

It was not specified whether the Klingons on the outpost planet were warriors in the Klingon Defense Force or if they were civilian scientists.


This Klingon's duties included monitoring the outpost's sensor and other administrative duties, such as supervising a slave named "Moron" who performed cleaning tasks. This functionary took advantage of the position to verbally abuse the simple-minded, diminutive servant; presumably having even given him the insulting name "Moron".

In the year 2286, this officer noted the arrival of a Reliant-class Federation starship entering orbit at Miraud, and decided to warn them off by subspace radio with a strongly worded statement regarding the Klingons' right to be on that world. When asked to reply, a voice response from the vessel succinctly said "reply to this, you Klingon bastards". and the ship opened fire on the outpost.

The Klingon was alone in a control room with Moron, and was crushed by a falling piece of the structure. Wounded, he ordered Moron to assist him, but without his previous antagonistic bravado. Moron was frozen in place with fear, next to the toppled statue he had been polishing. (TOS comic: "The Stars In Secret Influence")



Miraud science outpost personnel
Ketar"Moron"Klingon science outpost officer • other unnamed Miraud personnel Klingon icon image.

Appearances and references[]

