A report on Jonathan Archer to the Klingon High Council, written in Klingonese.
Klingonese refers to the languages of the Klingon people. This includes the dialects klingonaase and tlhIngan Hol.
In 2369, Benjamin Sisko talked with a Klingon woman aboard station Deep Space 9. When she asked him, in Klingon, whether he understood, he replied in the affirmative in Federation standard that he did understand some Klingon. (DS9 video game: Crossroads of Time)
- The term "Klingonese" was first used in the TOS episode: "The Trouble with Tribbles", while the term "tlhIngan Hol" was coined by Marc Okrand, who is also responsible for much of the language as used on film and in print.
See also[]
This article or subsection has an associated category. | Klingon words |
Alphabetical lists of Klingonese glossary |
All terms are in the format of Generally used spelling = tlhIngan Hol phonetic spelling.
Ship names[]
- Kronos = Qo'noS
- First City = veng wa'DIch
- Vospeg = voSpegh
- Sakrej = Sa'Qej
- Krotmag = Qotmagh
- Ruk'evet = ruq'e'vet
- Gevchok = ghevchoq
- Tak'ev = taq'ev
- No'hvadut = noHva'Dut
- Mekro'vak = meqro'vaq
- Kling = tlhIng
- Praxis = pIraqSIS
- Khitomer = QI'tomer
- Rura Penthe = rura' pente'
- Gre'thor = ghe''or
- QI'tu' (Klingon Eden, Paradise) = QI'tu'
- River of Blood = 'Iw bIQtIq
- Cardassia = qarDaS or qarDaSya'
- Deneb = DenIb
- Denebia = DenIbya'
- Earth = tera'
- Elas;; = 'elaS
- Ligon or Ligonia = lIghon or lIghonya'
- Neural = nural
- Nimbus III = nImbuS wej
- Organia = 'orghen or 'orghenya'
- Regulus = reghuluS
- Romulus = romuluS
- Sauria = Sorya'
- Sherman's Planet = SermanyuQ (ST reference: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler)
- Vulcan = vulqan
- Aktuh = 'aqtu'
- B'Etor = be'etor
- Chang = cheng
- Duras = DuraS
- Gorkon = ghorqan
- Gowron = ghawran
- Grilka = ghIrIlqa'
- Kagh = qagh
- Kahless = qeylIS
- Kahlor = qaHlor
- K'ahlynn = qa'aHlIn
- Kahnrah = qanra'
- Kang = qeng
- Kargan = qarghan
- Kayvak = qeyvaq
- Ke'lek = qe'leq
- Klaa = tlha'a
- K'mlak = qImlaq
- Koloth = qolotlh
- Kolox = qoloQ
- Kor = qor
- Korax = qoreQ
- Kras = QaS
- Krell = Qel
- Kruge = Qugh
- Lursa = lurSa'
- Maltz = matlh
- Mara = mara
- Melota = mellota'
- Mogh = mogh
- Molor = molor
- Rynar = raynar
- Torg = torgh
- Valkris = valQIS
- Worf = wo'rIv
Ship types[]
- Battle cruiser = may'Duj
- Bird of Prey (ship design) = toQDuj
- Warship = veSDuj
- Merchant ship = SuyDuj
- Scout ship = tlharghDuj
- The Klingon Dictionary
- The Klingon Way
- Klingon for the Galactic Traveler
- Skybox Trading cards
- Klingon Bird-of-Prey cutaway poster
- ST - Klingons - Blood Will Tell comic: "Against Their Nature" (tlhIngan Hol edition)
External links[]
- Klingonese article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Klingonese article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.