Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Klon peags or klon paegs are an item used by the Wadi for a variety of purposes, including currency. They resemble sticks, but are highly prized by the Wadi and other Gamma Quadrant races. Jake Sisko has estimated that three hundred and fifty klon paegs are roughly equivalent to eighty or ninety bars of gold-pressed latinum.

In 2369, Falow offered to use several Klon peags as a wager in a game of dabo in Quark's, although Quark turned them down as he had "enough sticks right now". (DS9 episode: "Move Along Home")

The crew of the Even Odds were to be paid in klon peags for returning the Yaron Oracle to the Yaron and were paid seven and a half thousand after selling the Giana'aga box. (DS9 novel: Rising Son)

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Types of currency
materials acta crystalgolddiamondlatinumludugial goldsilverOrion energy orb
units bilbokcentcreditdarsekdecimdejebbitdirakdollardroknaducatdukorenergygalorine credit slipHuchileckernklon peaglaertian dinarleklitanotch-rockprime transfer authorityquatloosaktosousstellorszekett'chaktalontri-esta