Koji Kuramura is a CGI artist who has contributed to episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise and the movie Star Trek Nemesis. He has also used his talents to create several images in the Ships of the Line calendars, with many of the images from the calendars later being reprinted in the Ships of the Line book.
- Ships of the Line 2004:
- "Enterprise Incident" (June image)
- "Home Again" (August image)
- "The Rock and the Hardplace" (October image)
- Ships of the Line 2005:
- "Tactical Simulation" (October image)
- "Faith of the Heart" (December image)
- Ships of the Line 2006: "This Unit Must Survive!" (May image)
- Ships of the Line 2007: "Armagossa Armageddon" (October image)
- Ships of the Line 2008: "Hide and Seek" (June image)
- Ships of the Line 2009: "Kobayashi Maru" (October image)
- Ships of the Line 2010: "Turning Death into a Fighting Chance to Live" (August image)
- Ships of the Line (reprints of images up to and including the 2014 edition)