An unnamed planet was located in the space of an alternate quantum reality from the "real" universe, accessed with the triggering of an interdimensional Androssi device in yet another reality. Time traveled at a slower rate on this planet, approximately one quarter that of the "real" universe.
At some point in the past, this world experienced a nuclear war, called the Cataclysm. In the addition to the loss of much technology, the war resulted in excessive radiation and pollution in the biosphere, in turn causing widespread mutations, cancers, and birth defects among the humanoid population.
In the wake of the war, the Kornak, under the military rule of the Kornak Armed Forces, gained control of most of the world, with the exception of some remote tribes called Outliers. The Kornak initiated a loyalty system in order to prioritize which citizens would receive lifesaving medical treatment, organ transplants, and artificial prostheses. Opponents to this system, and to the extents which technology was being used to replace their organic bodies, were called the Jabari. Particularly troubling were medical developments in which microelectromechanical machines were used to regenerate neural tissues, which could also be used to link minds and transfer information electronically. When Doctors Julian Bashir and Elizabeth Lense visited this planet in late 2376, they theorized that they could have been temporally displaced back to the Borg homeworld during the early evolution of that race. (SCE eBooks: Security, Wounds, Book 1, Wounds, Book 2)