Korok was a Klingon man alive in the mid 22nd century.
In the year 2152, Korok was the captain of a D5 class starship that raided colonies for deuterium, intimidating colonists into giving up the majority of their deuterium and barely leaving enough for them to live on. During one such raid they stopped at a colony while the Enterprise (NX-01) was at the colony attempting to obtain deuterium from the colonists. Captain Jonathan Archer and his crew taught the colonists how to defend themselves, and the colonists were able to drive the Klingon pirates off. Korok decided it was more trouble than it was worth to get any more deterium from the colonists. (ENT episode: "Marauders")
Korok was not one of the millions of Klingons affected by the Qu'Vat virus, and thus retained his forehead ridges and other HemQuch features. Being a commoner who had no love for the nobility, he joined forces with the QuchHa' Captain Lokog and other QuchHa' leaders in their fight against the Klingon High Council. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Live by the Code)