Krasni, known jokingly to its locals as Krasni's Folly, was a planet in orbit of Krasni's Star, the most populated planet in its star group, located in or near Federation space in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant.
History and specifics[]
Its money-based economy offered plenty of nightclubs, bars, bordellos and restaurants.
In 2269, following a mission to escort a colony ship to a planet in the star group, the Federation starship USS Enterprise orbited Krasni for shore leave and scheduled maintenance. During his leave, Kirk inadvertently caused a bar fight and ended up confined in one of port security's detention stations.
Four days away from Krasni, the civilian transport Starfarer suffered a life support failure, and the Enterprise was forced to render assistance before returning for its planned repairs. (TOS - The New Voyages short story: "The Face on the Barroom Floor")
Notable facilities[]
Notable residents[]
- Bud Krasni
- Renee
- Charlie Singh
- Morrie Singh