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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Kriosians were a humanoid civilization native to Krios. Kriosians were one of many races represented in the visitors to planet Dayos IV in 2363. (TLE novel: Excelsior: Forged in Fire)


The Kriosians were an independent nation in the 22nd century. Kaitaama was a member of the Kriosian royal family. She and the Human Charles Tucker III were abducted by aliens in 2152 and escaped their captors. Tucker and Kaitaama were rescued from a planet by the Earth ship Enterprise NX-01. A Kriosian ship picked up Kaitaama from Enterprise and returned her to Krios Prime. (ENT episode: "Precious Cargo")

During the time of the Earth-Romulan War, Kaitaama became the ruler of the Kriosians but her government was toppled. The Klingon Empire conquered the Kriosians but left their independent colony, Valt Minor, alone. Relations between the Kriosians and Valtese were poor.

In the year 2300, a Kriosian terrorist group called the Thorn destroyed a Federation ship. An intelligence team consisting of Imperial Intelligence and Starfleet Intelligence personnel stopped them from releasing a weapon of mass destruction in the Praxis Belt. (TOS novel: Cast No Shadow)

In 2367, Romulans supported rebels on Krios to throw off the yoke of Klingon control. (TNG episode: "The Mind's Eye")

By 2368, Krios was independent. The Federation assisted the Kriosians and Valtese with the negotiations and rituals to end the war between the two people. The Federation learned of a physiological bonding among Kriosians. (TNG episode: "The Perfect Mate")

The Kriosians became Federation members in the 24th century. They kept the true extend of the bonding secret from the rest of the Federation. In her studies, the Human doctor El'nor Sal learned some of the Kriosian secrets while she tried to stop a ravenous disease. In 2382, she used that knowledge to bond half-Kriosian Ensign Aytar Gwyn to Nancy Conlon's and Harry Kim's embryo. (VOY novel: Architects of Infinity)


Kriosians outwardly appeared like Humans, except for a line of dark spots extending from the scalp down either side of the body. (TNG episode: "The Perfect Mate")

Thanks to their spotted humanoid appearance, Kriosians could pass for the similar looking Trills. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

Through the process of Finiis'ral, a Kriosian could bond to their "perfect mate". A rare version of Kriosians was the empathic metamorph, who would psychologically transform themself to become the perfect mate for the person they were bonded with. Female empathic metamorphs were rare, and treated like a valuable commodity. (TNG episode: "The Perfect Mate")

The Valtese, off-shoots from the Kriosians after declaring their world Valt Minor independent, lacked empathic metamorphs in their population. (TOS novel: Cast No Shadow)

Notable Kriosians[]

  • Kaitaama, a ruler
  • Kamala, an emphatic metamorph
  • Aytar Gwyn, a Human-Kriosian hybrid

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