Kryan, son of Panich was a male Klingon who served on the Klingon High Council in the 24th century. He was the brother of Stren, son of Panich.
In 2376, Kryan was suspended from the Council when his brother crashed a Yivoq aircar into an office building in the city of Novat on Qo'noS. He faced a meqba', during which Yakril, son of Wolkor, of the House of Mortran, served as his cha'DIch. When it was revealed that Stren suffered from T'Viad's syndrome, proving the crash was not a deliberate act, Kryan was reinstated to the Council. (KE novel: A Burning House)
Kryan was the youngest councilor on the council in 2381. Despite Kryan's political leanings, when the High Council was confronted with sensor readings of the USS Ranger sacrificing itself for the planet Khitomer against the invading Borg Collective early that year, he pledged support in the conflict against the Borg. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night)