Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Kurlan naiskos

A Kurlan naiskos figurine.

A Kurlan naiskos is a ceramic figurine that was developed by the Trill thousands of years ago.

History and specifics[]

The naiskos consisted of a large hollow body that contained several smaller versions inside, the intention being to reflect the Trill belief that an individual was more than a single person, but rather a community of people due to the connection to the Trill symbionts. Until 2376, it was thought that the naiskos was created on Kurl, although they were brought there by the Trill who colonised the planet. (TNG episode: "The Chase", DS9 - Worlds of Deep Space Nine novel: Trill: Unjoined)

In 2369, Jean-Luc Picard was given a Third Dynasty Kurlan naiskos by Richard Galen. (TNG episode: "The Chase")

In 2371, Picard left his Kurlan naiskos in the wreckage of his ready room aboard the USS Enterprise after the starship crashed on Veridian III. (ST movie: Star Trek Generations)

In 2376, Julian Bashir and Ezri Dax discovered a fragment of a Kurlan naiskos on Minos Korva, in a cave that had been occupied by a parasite spawnmother. Ezri would later discover that the naiskos artform had actually originated from Trill and were among the possessions of the colonists, with others created later on Kurl. (DS9 - Worlds of Deep Space Nine novel: Trill: Unjoined)

Picard later moved his Kurlan naiskos to his vault and then Château Picard. (PIC episodes: "Remembrance", "The Star Gazer")


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