The "Lady of Calydon" was an otherwise unnamed member of the Calydon species, a non-corporeal humanoid lifeform born on the planet Calydon.
She and En-Lai were halves of a tandem lifeform. As part of their life cycle, they split apart, with En-Lai existing as a corporeal humanoid, while she manifested at irregular intervals on Calydon to see if he was there, signaling an end to their lives.
Her first recorded appearance was in the mid-20th century, when she inspected a crashed mining spacecraft, her radiating energies healing its injured pilot. Legend claimed she healed anyone she saw, and over time the crash site became a pilgrimage destination for terminally ill and invalid patients. Witnesses recorded dozens of images of her over the centuries, all consistently noting that she glowed white, had short yellow hair, and bore a familial resemblance to En-Lai.
En-Lai had instinctively felt compelled to seek her out on Calydon. Unaware of their related biology until her reappearance in 2267, the two rejoined and died. Energy emitted during their contact healed dozens of sick and injured people. (TOS comic: "A Small Matter of Faith")