Lambda Serpentis (also known as the Stameris system) is a binary star system composed of two yellow G class stars.
History and specifics[]
Lambda Serpentis is located in the Alpha Quadrant, around 38 light-years from the Sol system, where it is visible by the Humans of Earth in the Serpens constellation.
The planet Stameris is located in Lambda Serpentis. (ST reference: Star Charts)
- Although Star Charts showed Lambda Serpentis in a binary configuration, real-life astronomy assumes it is a single variable yellow star with the stellar classification G0V.
- Lambda Serpentis is also well known as the location of Jericho VII in the Halo franchise.
Stars, systems and objects of the Serpens constellation |
1865 Serpens • 39 Serpentis • Alpha Serpentis • Beta Serpentis • Delta Serpentis • Epsilon Serpentis (Aaamazzara) • Eta Serpentis • Gamma Serpentis • Lambda Serpentis • Psi Serpentis • Sigma Serpentis • Tau Serpentis • Zeta Serpentis |
External links[]
- Lambda Serpentis article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Lambda Serpentis article at Halo Alpha wiki on FANDOM.
- Lambda Serpentis article at Halopedia (